As Told by the Giant, by Stefan Karlsson

Fee, yes, the smallest fee is all I ask of any strangers who dare to trespass in my lair. It seems a common courtesy to come with bread or something sweet. So fie upon him who comes with naught but thieving thoughts and muddy boots to ruin my rugs and spoil my sleep....

Said Sir Percival Knight, by Evelyn Day

Said Sir Percival Knight to his trusty steed, “I’m feeling the need to be brave. I long for a dangerous dragon to slay, or a beautiful maiden to save.” Said the trusty steed to his master knight, “Today is no time for a quest. We barely got home yesterday, my feet are...

My Teacher’s Diary, by Sinéad Callanan

I tied a lot of shoes today and zipped a fair few coats. I took the roll, marked absences, and wrote three parents notes. I solved the ‘missing pencil’ case afflicting table three. “It can’t be found, I think it’s robbed!” (’Twas plain as eyes can see.) I ticked a...

My Mate, Mark, by Helen Dineen

Good at reading, great at art Knows four poems off by heart Helpful, kind and super smart My mate, Mark Always singing (mostly pop) Chews his nails (he just can’t stop) Does fantastic bellyflops My mate, Mark Great at football (he’s our goalie) Favourite food? It’s...

Grandma, by Annelies Judson

When I ask where my grandma got her tattoos, she says, “It was when I was a pirate.” I tell her not to be so silly. “I’m not being silly,” she says, a glint in her eyes. She tells me about the frothy sea and the whipping wind, singing shanties as she scrubbed the...