Read the magazine
And download the resources

Issues and Resources
Posters and teaching resources – Small Things poems – Issue 8
All of the poems in Issue 8 are also available as free poem-posters to download, print and display. There are also free, downloadable teaching resources around the poems ‘Be a snail’ by Roy Moss, ‘New Beginnings’ by Emma Phillips, and ‘Small Things and Big Awe’ by...
Posters and teaching resources – People and Character poems – Issue 7
All of the poems in Issue 7 are also available as free poem-posters to download, print and display. There are also free, downloadable teaching resources around the poems ‘As Told by the Giant’ by Stefan Karlsson, ‘My Mate, Mark’ by Helen Dineen, and ‘Great Women of...
Posters and teaching resources – STEM poems – Issue 6
All of the poems in Issue 6 are also available as free poem-posters to download, print and display. There are also free, downloadable teaching resources around the poems ‘Acoustic Recordings’ by Elizabeth Kuelbs, ‘Math Lesson (from the Garden)’ by Irene Latham, and...
Posters and teaching resources – issue 5
All of the poems in issue 5 are also available as free poem-posters to download, print and display. There are also free, downloadable teaching resources around the poems ‘A Dreamy Afternoon on the Common’ by Rhiannon Oliver, ‘The Pond’ by Hugh Dunkerley, and ‘What...
Posters and teaching resources – issue 4
All of the poems in issue 4 are also available as free poem-posters to download, print and display. There are also free, downloadable teaching resources around the poems ‘Anticipation’ by Sarah Ziman, ‘Pirate Song’ by Jane Newberry, and ‘King of the Moles’ by Gwenno...
Posters and teaching resources – issue 3
All of the poems in issue 3 are also available as free poem-posters to download, print and display. There are also free, downloadable teaching resources around the poems ‘Colour Mixing’ by Louise Crosby, ‘Harvest of Haiku’ by Karla Wendelin, and ‘Red Bridge’ by Marie...
Posters and teaching resources – issue 2
All of the poems in issue 2 are also available as free poem-posters to download, print and display. There are also free, downloadable teaching resources around the poems ‘Tightrope Walk Team’ by S.J. Perillo, ‘Tickets to Ride’ by Julie Stevens, and ‘Who?’ by Annie...
Posters and teaching resources – issue 1
All of the poems in issue 1 are also available as free poem-posters to download, print and display. There are also free, downloadable teaching resources around the poems 'On Your Marks...' by Jay Brazeau, 'Blueberries' by Jérôme Luc Martin, and 'Catching a Yawn /...