Here’s to the rebels who did it all first
Who swung the first swing, who slid the first slide
Who sought the first seek, who hid the first hide
Who made the first hat, and the first pair of shoes
In those days long ago when old fashioned was new.
Here’s to the rebels who did it all first
Who made impossibles possible and incredibles credible
Who discovered which mushrooms were and weren’t edible
Who built the first house, and the first indoor loo
In those days long ago when old fashioned was new.
Here’s to the rebels who did it all first
Who ate the first artichoke, ate the first clam
Ate the first sausage, the first tin of spam
Whose boat first floated, whose plane first flew
In those days long ago when old fashioned was new.
Here’s to the rebels who did it all first
Who took the first honey from the first honey bees
Who got stung for their troubles on their elbows and knees
Who first felt nostalgia, and déjà vu
In those days long ago when old fashioned was new.
Here’s to the rebels who did it all first
Who told the first story, who dreamed the first dream
Who boldly went where no one had been
Whose wisdom has passed down the ages to you
From those days long ago when old fashioned was new.
Stewart Ennis lives in Glasgow. His poems, plays and stories have been published and performed on a variety of stages, pages and platforms. His first novel, Blessed Assurance, was published in 2020, and most recently he wrote the animated film Yoyo and the Little Auk for the Royal Scottish National Orchestra. He is currently in Western Australia as part of a PhD in Creative Writing. Apparently, his own constant refrain is, “Och, I don’t know!”
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