Eat Your Fractals! by Claire Lewis

A mathematician’s favourite tea is Romanesco broccoli. This classy cauli has the edge compared to other types of veg, because – and this is really great – it’s maths in action on your plate! A Fibonacci-style display, which counts towards your five-a-day! A perfect...

Heartfelt Affection, by Jane Trenholm

Jane Trenholm enjoyed being a primary school teacher in Jersey and Hong Kong, but her favourite job was being an ‘IMPS Trainer’. Sadly, no tiny magical creatures were involved, but teaching First Aid to classes visiting an Oxford hospital was still great fun. Jane...

Paper Airplane Challenge, by Susan Andrews

I thrust my airplane upward. It nose-dived to the ground. This was my eighteenth effort. I got the plane and frowned. I bent the wingtips under and flew the plane once more. It went a little farther, then landed on the floor. Encouraged by this progress, I tried out...

Sorting Lego, by Jude Simpson

Charl and I decided it was time to sort the Lego. There was a massive, landsliding heap of it in our bedroom. First, we spent ages deciding how to sort it. By colour? Size? Number of studs? Type of set it had come from? Just thinking about that took the first hour....